Alyssa D. Sokol, Ph.D.
Welcome! I am 31 years old and originally from the town of Dix Hills in Long Island, New York. My appreciation for the universe began in High School at age 14. After taking an Astronomy elective course, my path swiftly veered toward one of calculus, physics, and lots of looking up while most kept their eyes on the ground. In 2010 I enrolled at Colgate University in Hamilton, NY to pursue a B.A. in Physics and Astronomy. Over the years at Colgate, my love for Astronomy remained persistent, much like the vivid dreams of working out physics homework algebra in my sleep. With an unforgettable Arecibo Observatory visit and two REUs at Wellesley and Wesleyan under my belt, I decided there was too much I didn't know yet to stop there. I graduated Colgate in 2014 and applied to graduate schools, on the quest for more knowledge and more weird math dreams.
I began my PhD in Astronomy at UMass Amherst in Fall of 2015, eager to explore research and wondering how I missed the memo on just how important coding would be for Astronomy (all caught up now). During my time as a graduate student at UMass I have had the opportunity to research multiple sectors of the universe with different data sets, visit telescopes, and travel the world (my personal favorite perk of being an Astronomer). I'm grateful to have met so many wonderful people in the community from these experiences.
My hobbies include singing, playing piano, hiking around Amherst, and engaging in adrenaline-junkie activities during my travels without telling my loved ones about it until it's over. I also love teaching Astronomy to all ages, whether doing outreach with kids or having a mind-blowing conversation with a friend. In 2023 I began a podcast of my own called The Orphic.
1st Author Publications
3. "A Concurrent BHARD and SFRD in IR-selected COSMOS Galaxies"
A.D. Sokol et al. 2024, in prep
2. "UV-FIR SED modelling of AGNs in IR-luminous galaxies up to z ∼ 2.5: understanding the effects of torus models"
A.D. Sokol et al. 2023, MNRAS.521..818
1. "Early science with the Large Millimetre Telescope: An LMT/AzTEC 1.1 mm Survey of dense cores in the Monoceros R2 giant molecular cloud"
A. D. Sokol et al. 2019, MNRAS.483..407S
Research Positions
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
The Connection Between Supermassive Black Hole Growth and Star Formation in Galaxies Across Cosmic Time in the COSMOS Field
Dissertation Advisor: Min Yun
The Australian National University, Canberra, ACT
2018 Australia-Americas PhD Visiting Research Fellow
Bayesian forward modeling of star cluster populations in nearby galaxies
Advisor: Mark Krumholz
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Star Clusters in Nearby Dwarf Galaxies NGC 2366 and IC 2574: Investigating the universality of the IMF with SLUG
Advisor: Daniela Calzetti

Lake Pukaki, New Zealand
A Multi-Dimensional Quantum Universe?!
When I'm not in the depths of my thesis work or bungey jumping, I am usually thinking about how the universe operates from a non-"physical" quantum perspective. I am fascinated by the intersection between quantum physics, consciousness, & astrophysics; I think this seemingly intangible intersection could hold the answers to some of the most pressing questions we have about the universe. I believe that those who have made incredible breakthroughs, such as Einstein and Tesla, were tapping into these 'unperceived' realms alongside their traditional physics knowledge!
Beyond the 3rd & 4th dimensions that humans exist in, these states of consciousness begin to vibrate faster & higher, unlocking knowledge and transcending the confines of space and time, as quantum physics suggests is possible. Perhaps 'hidden' parts of the universe remain imperceivable to us simply because our consciousness levels reside in a lower dimension at the moment. We might consider the possibility that extra-terrestrial (or 'inter-dimensional') species have evolved their existence into these higher dimensions where they (1) are able to perceive of more, (2) gain access to universal laws that invoke non-physical, non-gravitational forces, (3) have the ability to bend time and space, and (4) telepathically communicate as a result.
If this is the case, where does the prevalence of consciousness end? Humans are fragmented aspects of the universe (star-dust) emitting their own auric toroidal energy field and holding a level of consciousness. Might all aspects of the universe with an energy field and born out of fragmentation, such as galaxies, stars, and planets, retain some level of consciousness? How would that affect the evolution (and creation) of the universe according to Physics as we know it? Do 'life-forms' evolve their consciousness through these dimensions over time? Do the astronomical bodies we've studied for years follow suit? Hm...
2015 - 2022
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
PhD in Astronomy
2010 - 2014
Colgate University
B.A. in Physics & Astronomy
Research Fellowships
Spaulding Smith Fellowship for underrepresented minorities in STEM doctoral programs
UMass Amherst- Amherst, MA
Australia-Americas PhD Visiting Research Fellowship, funded by the Australian Academy of Science
The Australian National University- Canberra, ACT
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Early Science with the Large Millimetre Telescope: Prestellar cores in the Monoceros R2 Giant Molecular Cloud with AzTEC
Advisor: Robert Gutermuth
Colgate University
Actively accreting binary stellar systems
Advisor: Jeff Bary